Author name: Management Theorist


Great Marketing in the Baking: The 4Ps and 4Cs

When I think of the “marketing mix” – the combination of elements to consider in marketing – I imagine it as baking a cake. Picture countless marketing chefs crafting various cakes until Jerome McCarthy’s secret mix and recipe triumphed at the International Cake Competition.


The Ultimate Management Checklist: A Nod to Mr. Fayol

Let’s talk about Mr. Henri Fayol. A visionary of his time, he might well have been the Jack Welch of the 1890s. Drop his name in a management discussion, and you’re instantly in the smart club (just be cautious – hard to agree with everything he said; his views were shaped over a century ago). Starting our journey with Fayol is fitting – his ideas have a timeless quality.


How Fun is the Situational World of Management

Management is an intricate dance of art and science. My experience during my college thesis highlighted the complexity of this field. Just relying on theory wasn’t enough – it became apparent that there are no black and white rules. Everything depends on various factors, each case unique in its own context.